How to Build a Home Gym On Any Budget (The Ultimate Guide)

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According to StatisticBrain, the average gym membership cost in the United States is $58, excluding transportation fees and other miscellaneous expenses. This translates to nearly $700 per year.

Interestingly, most individuals who opt for a gym membership discontinue their attendance within two months, resulting in a financial loss.

However, by reallocating that same $700 and adding a few hundred dollars more, you can invest in a home gym that meets your requirements and is more likely to be utilized effectively.

The question arises: Should you consider building a home gym in 2023?

In short, the answer is yes. By building a home gym this year, you can have a workout space that suits your preferences and encourages regular exercise. Additionally, the long-term financial savings are substantial.

Moreover, I have dedicated countless hours researching this topic, delving into various online communities like Reddit, and watching videos. In addition, I have personally experienced building my home gym.

Let’s get Started!

How Does A Home Gym Cost?

When setting up a home gym, the biggest expense is the equipments. The choice of equipment depends on your fitness goals, personal preferences, and budget. Realistically, you can build a home gym for around $500 by exploring the various options available on Amazon.

However, it’s essential to consider that this budget may limit the variety of exercises you can do and may require more frequent equipment repairs. On the other hand, if you’re willing to invest between $7000 and $8000, you can create a home gym with high-end, luxurious cardio equipment.

If you’re curious about the cost and benefits of a home gym versus a gym membership, check out my other article “Home Gym Vs Gym Membership” for an in-depth analysis.

That being said, the sweet spot is often found in the mid-range. I always recommend aiming for a budget between $1000 and $3000. This range offers the flexibility to sell the equipment later if desired while allowing you to create and enhance your workout space for years.

EquipmentPrice Range
Olympic Barbell$200 – $400
Iron Plates$200 – $350
Bumper Plates$400 – $500
Weight Bench$100 – $500
Power Rack or Squat Rack$400 -$800
Cardio Equipments$500- $3000
Additional Accessories$10 – $50

Budget Home Gym Cost = $1000

Mid Range Home Gym Cost = Under $3000

High End Home gym Cost = Over $5000

Selecting the Right Place for Your Home Gym

When setting up a home gym, selecting the right place is crucial. The location you choose can significantly impact your workout experience and motivation levels. But before you decide where to put your home gym, you should think about the following things:


  • Consider the atmosphere that motivates you and choose a space accordingly.
  • Garage with windows or a basement with patio access for an open setting.
  • Basement with climate control for a controlled, enclosed environment.

Climate and Temperature

  • Evaluate the climate in your area and its impact on the chosen location.
  • Basements offer natural insulation and better climate control.
  • Garages may require additional measures like insulation, fans, or heating systems.

Noise Considerations

  • Consider the noise generated during workouts and its effect on household members.
  • Soundproof a bedroom or choose a basement location for early morning or late-night sessions.
  • Dropping weights or using heavy equipment may still generate some noise.

Space and Equipment

  • Assess available space and how it aligns with your fitness goals.
  • Basements and garages provide more square footage for larger equipment.
  • Bedrooms require careful equipment selection due to limited space.


Many people find basements to be an appealing choice for a home gym due to their potential benefits. Basements often provide climate control, maintaining a relatively stable temperature throughout the year. This can be advantageous, especially in areas with extreme weather conditions.

However, it’s essential to note that basements might have low ceilings, limiting certain exercises like overhead presses (OHP) if the clearance is insufficient. If you have enough headroom and prefer a controlled environment, the basement could be ideal for your home gym.


Another great place is the garage. Garages usually offer ample space to accommodate your equipment, allowing for more freedom of movement during workouts. However, temperature control can be a concern here, particularly in extreme heat or cold regions. You might need insulation, fans, or heaters to create a comfortable workout environment.

Note: Discover the secret to a perfectly cool and invigorating workout experience, exclusively in our articles on ‘Best Fan for Your Home Gym‘ and ‘Best Air Purifiers For Home Gym‘!

Additionally, if you use your garage for parking, you’ll need to factor in the inconvenience of moving vehicles and potential fluctuations in temperature.

Spare Bedroom

And last but not least option is to convert a your spare bedroom into a home gym. This option provides privacy and can help contain noise, making it suitable for early morning or late-night workouts when other family members may be sleeping.

However, there are a few considerations to keep in mind. Bedrooms often have limited space (best for small spaces), which may restrict the number and size of equipment you can accommodate. You may need to remove carpeting, add proper flooring, and consider soundproofing measures to minimize noise transmission.

Where to Buy Used Home Gym Equipment?

If you are on a tight budget, purchasing used equipment would be great idea, there are several options to consider. One popular choice is exploring listings on Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace. These platforms often have various exercise equipment available, allowing you to find what you’re looking for at a potentially lower cost.

It’s essential to thoroughly inspect the equipment before making a purchase. Check for any signs of wear and tear, damage, or malfunctioning parts that could affect its performance and safety. Testing the equipment, if possible, can provide a better understanding of its functionality and condition.

Researching the specific equipment you’re interested in is crucial. Understanding new equipment’s features, specifications, and performance can help you make informed decisions when assessing used items.

While used equipment may come at a lower price, there are considerations to consider. Manufacturers may stop supporting older equipment after a certain period, making it challenging to find replacement parts.

Note: Reading reviews, checking the seller’s reputation, and ensuring that all parts are included (if disassembled) are essential to avoid surprises or disappointments.

Choosing the Best Home Gym Equipment

Here are some essential points to guide you in making an informed decision:

Budget Considerations

Before embarking on your equipment search, it’s crucial to determine your budget. Assess how much you’re willing to invest in your home gym, considering the specific equipment you need.

Keep in mind that prices can vary significantly based on the type and quality of the equipment. While it’s tempting to splurge on high-end machines, consider striking a balance between quality and affordability.

Quality and Durability of Equipment

Look for equipment made from sturdy materials that can withstand regular use and provide long-lasting performance.

Read reviews, product specifications, and choose reputable brands that manufacture reliable fitness equipment. Investing in high-quality gear ensures a safe and efficient workout experience while minimizing the risk of breakage or injury.

Weight Capacity for Safety

Weight capacity is essential, especially for strength training equipment such as weight benches, squat racks, or cable machines. Ensure your chosen equipment can safely support your body weight and the additional weights you plan to lift.

Pay attention to the manufacturer’s specifications, which typically provide guidelines on the maximum weight capacity for optimal performance and user safety.

Remember, building a home gym is an investment in your health and well-being, so choose wisely and enjoy the convenience and flexibility of working out in the comfort of your own space.

Space Requirements and Storage Options

Evaluate the available space in your home for setting up your gym. Consider the dimensions and layout of the area to determine the types and sizes of equipment that will fit comfortably. If you have limited space, look for versatile and compact equipment options that can be easily stored or folded when not in use.

For example, adjustable dumbbells, resistance bands, or suspension trainers are excellent space-saving choices that can still provide a full-body workout.

Prioritize Free Weights

While cardio machines like treadmills and ellipticals have benefits, it’s worth prioritizing free weights to build strength and muscle. Free weights offer a versatile range of exercises, allowing you to effectively target different muscle groups and perform compound movements.

Investing in a set of dumbbells, a barbell with weight plates, and a sturdy weight bench can give you a good base for strength training at home.

I won’t suggest spending $1000 on fancy cardio equipment. Just work on free weights at first. You can also jump rope, which costs a small fraction of what expensive exercise equipment like treadmills, ellipticals, etc. costs.

Most Essential Equipments You Need


Barbells can be used for various strength and conditioning exercises, such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, bent-over rows, and more. 

If you’re looking to build strength and muscle, you’ll want to invest in a barbell that’s 28-38 mm in diameter. 

For conditioning, you’ll want a light bar that’s 15-25 mm in diameter. 

A barbell can be used for various exercises, ranging from strength training to conditioning. You can also find many different designs and styles, so it’ll fit in with the rest of your home gym.

BEst BArbells

RogueFitness Ohio Bar

  • Machined and assembled in Columbus, Ohio
  • Reliable spin with bushing sleeves
  • Lifetime guarantee against bending
  • Snap ring design for stability
Check Price on Amazon
BEst Budget Barbells

CAP OB-86B Barbell

  • Constructed from solid cold rolled steel
  • Snap clips on sleeves
  • Medium-depth diamond knurling for a secure grip
  • Accommodates 2-inch Olympic plates

Weight plates

Weight plates are what you’ll use with the barbell for your exercises. There are various types of weight plates that you can buy:

Iron weight plates

Iron plates are weight plates made of cast iron or steel. They are typically used in weight training and are thinner and smaller in diameter than bumper plates.

Iron plates come in various sizes and weights and are usually colour-coded to indicate their weight, with the most common colors being black (for the heaviest weights), silver, and grey (for lighter weights).

They are also a good choice for people looking for a more traditional weightlifting experience on a budget.

BEst iron plates


  • Durable cast iron construction with a matte finish
  • 52mm centre hole fits standard barbells
  • Marked in pounds and kilograms with 3% weight tolerance
  • Suitable for strength training and powerlifting

Bumper Weight Plates

Bumper plates are weight plates specifically designed for use in Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting exercises. They are made of solid rubber or a rubber and metal composite material and are used to protect the barbell and the floor from damage while lifting heavy weights.

Bumper plates are thicker and wider than iron weight plates, and they have a central hole that is the same diameter as the barbell, allowing them to be easily loaded onto the bar.

They are colour-coded to indicate their weight, with the most common colors being black (for the heaviest weights), blue, red, and yellow (for lighter weights).

Bumper plates are generally more expensive than iron plates because they are made of higher-quality material and designed specifically for Olympic and powerlifting exercises.

BEst iron plates


  • Steel inserts with moulded hooks for enhanced durability
  • 10lb plates are extra thick (1″) for increased durability
  • Factory-tested to withstand over 12,000 drops
  • Fit all standard 2″ barbells
  • 1% weight tolerance


Dumbbells, the versatile free weights, are a must-have for anyone looking to build strength and muscle. They are an integral part of a home gym setup, complementing barbell exercises for optimal results.

best dumbbells


  • Made from premium rubber with ultra-low odour
  • Straight, chrome, fully knurled handles for maximum grip
  • Sets range from 5-50lbs to 80-100lbs
  • Friction welded heads for secure attachment

Although dumbbells are a vital component of a home gym, they aren’t suitable for all exercises, such as squats and deadlifts. Therefore, it’s essential to have a dedicated rack for storing them, preventing unnecessary damage to your home.

best dumbbell Rack


  • Durable and secure
  • Resistant to tarnishing and damage
  • Fits in any gym space
  • Organized storage for all sizes
  • Floor protection and anti-slip

If you’re just starting your strength training journey, I recommend investing in a pair of adjustable dumbbells. They offer a range of weights in one compact design, allowing you to adjust the load as your strength improves. This flexibility makes them an excellent choice for beginners and those looking to gradually increase their strength.

Remember, as a beginner. It’s essential to start with weights that challenge you but are still manageable. Gradually increase the weight as you become stronger and more comfortable with the exercises.

Power Rack

A power rack is essential for a well-rounded home gym. It provides a safe space for squats, bench, and overhead presses. When choosing a power rack, consider safety, flexibility, and functionality.

Opt for a free-standing rack without bolting to allow easy positioning and relocation. Look for sturdy construction and safety features for secure solo workouts.

A pull-up bar, preferably straight across, should accommodate different heights for a full range of motion.

Choose a rack tall enough for comfortable overhead presses. Sufficient height clearance is key. Aim for 1.5″ or less for hole spacing, preferably 1″ for precise adjustments and safety pin/spotter arm positioning.

best power rack


  • Heavy-duty and customizable
  • 3×3″ 11-gauge steel
  • 1,000lbs rackable capacity
  • Convenient hole spacing
  • Laser-cut numbers for alignment
  • Customizable height, depth, and colour

Jump Ropes

Jump rope is a versatile and affordable cardio workout option compared to treadmills and ellipticals. It provides full-body exercise, making it perfect for improving general fitness.

One of the best things about jump rope is its versatility. It allows you to do various exercises that target different muscle groups.

Jump ropes are also highly portable. They’re perfect for home workouts, outdoor sessions, or even travel.

Whether you want to boost endurance, burn calories faster, or improve coordination, adding jump rope to your routine can be hugely beneficial.

best jump rope

WOD Nation Jump Rope

  • High-quality and adaptable jump rope
  • Offers fast speed and footwork drills with a thin 2.2 mm cable
  • Provides muscle building and endurance with a 3.3 mm monster cable
  • Easy size adjustments without tools
  • Ideal for travel and total body workouts

Extra Stuff: Designing Your home gym

These may be considered extras, but they hold significant importance, as exercising in a cluttered and disorganized environment will not inspire you to step into your workout space and start pumping iron. Investing a little extra in your gym’s design can substantially impact your overall experience and motivation.

Mirrors: Incorporating mirrors in your gym serves multiple purposes. They create the illusion of a larger space, allowing you to check your form and technique during exercises.

Quotes: Adding motivational quotes or fitness-related artwork to your gym walls can be a great source of inspiration. Choose quotes that resonate with you and reflect your fitness goals.

Lighting: Good lighting is essential for creating a functional and inviting gym environment. Consider a combination of natural and artificial lighting to ensure adequate brightness. Overhead can lights provide general illumination, while wall sconces or spotlights can offer targeted lighting for specific areas or equipment.

Ceiling: If you plan to incorporate equipment like TRX or suspension trainers, installing ceiling anchors is a smart choice. This allows you to securely attach the equipment, providing versatility in your workout options and maximizing the use of vertical space.


Is a Home Gym Actually Worth the Money?

Having a home gym can definitely be worth the investment if you plan to use it regularly. The convenience of working out at home and not needing a gym membership can lead to long-term savings. Just be sure to get quality equipment that will last, and choose options that fit your workout goals and space constraints.

What is the minimum size for a home gym?

You can create a functional home gym even in a small space. For a minimal setup, you only need an area 6×8 feet or so. You can fit basic equipment like a folding weight bench, some dumbbells, resistance bands, and a yoga mat. For larger equipment like a treadmill or stationary bike, aim for at least a 10×10 foot space.

Can you bulk with a home gym?

Yes, you can effectively bulk up and build muscle using a home gym. To bulk up, focus on lifting challenging weights, progressively overloading your muscles, eating enough protein, and being in a caloric surplus. A home gym allows you to lift heavy with compound exercises using equipment like a power rack, barbell, and weights. Just be sure to use proper form and technique when lifting.

Can you have a home gym in an apartment?

Absolutely. Having a home gym in an apartment is very doable. Look for equipment that is compact and quiet if you have downstairs neighbors. Dumbbells, resistance bands, and bodyweight exercises are apartment-friendly options. Also consider folding equipment that you can store away, and be mindful of any floor weight limits for your apartment.

Can you put a home gym upstairs?

You can install a home gym on a second floor or upstairs room. The key is making sure the floor can handle the weight. Consult your building specs, an engineer, or your landlord to check floor weight limits. Install mats for heavy equipment like treadmills or power racks to better distribute weight. Also opt for lighter free weights like dumbbells. Proper floor reinforcement is crucial for upper level home gyms.


Fawad Ahmad is the founder and chief editor at, a website dedicated to helping people make informed decisions about their health and fitness. Through clear, concise writing and a commitment to cutting through industry jargon, Fawad and his team strive to provide valuable guidance on topics such as bodybuilding, home gym equipment, and more.